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Just a quick hello to a few of my friends...
Cin-Cin, Sinny, Sovus Radio, E-bear (DNA), Desiree, Big Dice, Deon, Ashley Propropriak, Perkie, Katie Woodie (YOU KNOW YOU'RE THE BEST!), and of course... BUDDY!
T-belle, My little Jaime, X Thrizzle, It's AllGood, Maria Maria, Barbie, Misty (boss), Jessie (I miss you.), Jessica Crutchfield, Ednie, Jess Mont, Petty (Chinese Yankee), White, Noke Monkey, Ashley Summers, Erin Waters, Katie Woodie again my sister from the Lambda Sigma chapter!!!!
Fraternity brothers:
Yandeezy, Cham, TC, Kev-O, Thomas, Ian, all the Gentlemen of Kappa Sigma, BFF, Dave (P.F.H. all the way), Fuc, and Clint.
My honorary little sister the best in the world the ultimate sorority girl... Cassie ("Do you think that truck would want to date me? I'm going to leave a note.")

Big and Little
Me and my little Jaime after our pool chalk fight

"I don't regret the things I've done but those I did not do." -Empire Records.


X Thrizzle
Twixxy B, Wabaam, and HeathLovaLova

"And when I get real, real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask me if I'm leaving." -Steven Wright

Three really important girls
Little Jaime, Noke Monkey, and Kate

In the cookies of life, your friends are the (mint) chocolate chips!

Let me know what you think about this, but if you don't know how to get in touch with me... take the hint.